RMHL newsletter Volume 1 | Issue 6
Updated: Feb 27
February at a glance
There is no in person events scheduled for Feb as the public health restrictions continue to be in effect.
~There is an club opportunity on the RMHL facebook group calling on tweens/teens for a 12+ Playmakers Club (brought to you by Empowered by Nature) - sign up dates and times on the RMHL facebook page here! Email Kyla Aiken for more information: kyla@ecoplay.ca
Check out Empowered by Nature for inclusive recreational activity and educational programming here!
~February 3rd - March 10th ~ Pacific Parklands foundation is hosting a webinar starting Wednesday February 3rd. The topic is the Three Bears and will be hosted via Zoom from 6:30-7:00 pm. Register for free here!
~February 3rd - 9th ~ Canadian Online Homeschool Conference. Click the link to take you to registration > https://canadianhomeschoolconference.com/
~February 4th @ 8:00 pm ~ Moms Gone Wild founder, Cheryl Zandbergen will be hosting a virtual interview Dr Michal Regev. This is a free mental health support for mothers. Free but registration is required. Click here for registration.
~The SNLP has invited members of the RMHL group to take a look at some exciting opportunities available to grades 5-12.
"The STEM National Leadership Program (SNLP) is available to children ages 10-18. The program will provide children and youth with immersive STEM-based learning. Students will have the opportunity to engage in unique national and global STEM opportunities, programs, workshops, and mentorship sessions directed towards the pursuit of post-secondary education and enhanced STEM career aspirations, ultimately pioneering change within the world around them. "
~ www.stemleadershipcanada.com
February 13th - June 12th ~ Level 1 (Grade 5 & 6)
February 20th - June 12th ~ Level 2 (Grade 7 & 8)
February 20th - June 12th ~ Level 3 (Grade 9 & 10)
February 27th - June 12th ~ Level 4 (Grade 11 & 12)
For more information click here!
As I sit here and contemplate how to start this issue I am having a difficult time coming up with the words to explain what it is I am thinking and feeling. I can't believe it is February already. The pandemic has been long and this experience does not get any easier and as I sit here wondering what I want to say I am overwhelmed with feelings of gratitude. I am grateful that our family is capable of spending long stretches with each other without going a little stir crazy. We have adapted remarkably well to this situation. On the other hand I have faced some of the most difficult emotional hurdles of my life and there have been days of tears, there have been non productive school days where I have surrendered to the fact that we all just need some space so I send them to watch a movie instead of school work. I have locked myself in the bathroom in the middle of a morning to have a long silent cry. I admit this only to prove to myself and you that it’s ok to feel all the feels that come as they may. I have tried my best to give my kids the very best of myself while also sharing my vulnerabilities. It is through this we have grown. I am overwhelmed with gratitude because when I look at my 2 kids and husband I feel only love. This is the month to celebrate a little extra love all around!
The love of a partner.
The love of family.
The love of friendship.
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." - Lao Tzu
February ideas!
~ make paper heart cutouts and every night in February tape one to your child's door with something that you love about them written on the heart
~ homemade valentines made with handmade paper
~ geometric heart art with elastics on a peg board
~ practice cursive writing and send to a grandparent
~ have your child/ren make a comic book strip explaining what loves means to them
~ out of curiosity I googled the origins of Valentine's Day and discovered that there is some pretty interesting stories explaining the origins of what we now know as a very hallmark love and hearts holiday. Check out the History Channel website here!
RMHL Group is calling on all members!!
Leah Pillet has asked me to include a segment to call upon all members who actively participate in RMHL group events/activities and such. As is naturally the case people grow into new roles in their lives and it is getting to be this way for Leah. Her children are growing and she is moving away from being the sole coordinator of this group. As this time nears we have to call upon each other to step forward to learn the ropes and eventually take the reins. I know that this year has been a difficult one and that for a lot of new members, myself included, we have not had the privilege to enjoy this group in all it is meant to be. Due to the isolation and this feeling of disconnect we haven't had the opportunities that you have had in the past to connect, build/create friendships and learn first hand from ones who have paved the way before us. If there is anyone who would be interested in being a part of taking over some of the behind the scenes organization than please let Leah know.
Leah's email: lpillet@hotmail.com
Community in Action
We have no photos of January events and I have to admit even I have not taken as many photos as I usually do! I plan on being more photo conscience in February. Instead I am adding this photo of sunflowers from the sunflower festival in Chilliwack last summer for no other reason than they make me smile and remind me of great memories made. Happy Valentines!
If you have any questions, ideas, inquiries or just wish to chat and connect about all things home learning please reach out and drop me a line. Thank you for reading my little newsletter every month.
IG @home_teach_mama