RMHL Newsletter Volume 1 | Issue 4
Updated: Dec 5, 2020
December at a Glance December 5th : A local Home learning family has organized a Toy Drive for BC Children's Hospital. The hospital's needs: Toys need to be new and unwrapped (no weapons or stuffed animals please ) Toys in high demand at the hospital are small lego sets, art supplies, games, infant toys and teen gifts or gift cards in small denominations The family will also be going around this week to ask retail stores if they would like to donate gift cards in small denominations to places like Starbucks, Chapters & Best Buy etc Children's Hospital Toy Drive drop off locations: Maple Ridge Park from 11am - 12pm, Saturday December 5th Rocky Point Park from 1pm - 2pm, Saturday December 5th
If you cannot make either drop off on Saturday, arrangements can be made for pickups the following day. Please contact Capri Rietel
December 1st-18th - RMHL Christmas Baking and Craft Share
Registration info on the RMHL web site.
Sign up to be entered into the draw
December 9th - RMHL Book club - K ~ Gr 2
Registration info on the RMHL web site.
Contact Brenda for more info
December 14th-18th - RMHL Christmas Market - Time sensitive!
Registration info on the RMHL web site.
Sign up by Dec 11th and selling takes place Dec 14th - 18th.
December 16th @ 7:30 pm - RMHL December Mom Meet up on Zoom
Info on the RMHL website
December 1st-31st - RMHL Christmas Puzzle Challenge
Registration info on the RMHL web site.
Sign up to be entered into the draw
December 1st-31st - Salvation Army Cookie Drive
Registration info on the RMHL web site.
Contact Pam for more info
For registration of any events please check out the calendar page on the Ridge Meadows Home Learners web page. Click Here
I can't believe it is December. Who else started getting decked out early? I know we have put our tree up the earliest ever (I hope the preservative they sold me keeps it green and alive lol)! It is nice to have joy, christmas music & a cookie baking plan in place. As a first-year home learning family I noticed that November was a tough month. Besides the obvious, I had a conversation with a teacher friend of mine who assured me that November is known in schools as a month of tired kids; sometimes unmotivated and feeling in need of a change of pace. For those that are first years and possibly having this experience, please know that you are not alone and that despite the circumstances our kids are tired and this is completely normal. Which brings me to my next point, I have to send out a huge virtual high five to every single child who has navigated this unbelievable year. Our kids have experienced changes, isolation and moments of fear; depending on their age and understanding of the world. To all of you parents, I send out a cheers and great big bear hug. We are nearing the end of probably one of the most wild years of our lives and we all deserve a little props for that! I know that this year will look very different for many families, mine included. I do look forward to taking some time to sit and be still. I will be preparing a small Christmas Eve dinner (as is our tradition) and on Christmas morning we are setting up zoom and my parents and inlaws and brothers and their families will be connecting to watch the kids open presents. Different but still together. May you all find a way to connect and bring joy into your holiday seasons!
Merry Christmas from my family to yours and many blessings for a new year of possibilities, learning opportunities and memory making.
The Nieuwhof Christmas Tree 2020
Our Community in Action!
Unfortunately due to the restrictions of group events there has not been many activities to post from November. Hopefully we can get some photos of the many great projects, puzzle challenges and or recipes or crafts that you all come up with in December. We would love to see how your December has been. Please send your photos to nicki.rmt@gmail.com if you are comfortable with publicly posting and I will add them into future issues!
The Mom and Home learners Forest Walk group
The group was able to get a walk in before the restrictions and it looked like a very happy bunch of puddle jumpers!!
The Mom and Home Learners Forest Walk group got out in the rain and splashed in many a puddle on Nov 3 at the North Alouette Greenway.
The Heritage Fair
The Heritage Fair is a province wide event that has students featuring Canadian History. It can be any topic: science, history, medicine, sports & special events etc. If you would like to find out more about it you can check out their website here
A local Co-op hosted one this November with virtual judging. We could not open it up to the community like last year, but here are a few projects to give you an idea of what the students do.
Well done, these are all amazing projects!!!
Keep checking back as I could be adding more projects as time goes on!
Reminder to all RMHL members that in order to receive updates in real time to events and activities that you will have to subscribe to the RMHL blog. You can do that by clicking this link!
Did you know that as a RMHL member that you have access to a ZOOM account to host classes, book clubs or Co-ops? If you are interested please let us know!
Let's get Baking
I am a lover of all things baked, I would love to share some recipes. Please let me know of some of your favorite christmas baking and I will update on this volume as the month goes on. In the meantime I will start with my favorite and easiest of all recipes, the classic scottish shortbread. Let me know how you make yours unique!
Scottish Shortbread Ingredient Checklist
1 ½ cups all-purpose flour
⅓ cup white sugar
¾ cup butter
Step 1 Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (180 degrees C).
Step 2 Blend all ingredients well. Dough will be stiff.
Step 3 Press into a 9 x 9 inch buttered dish. Prick top with a fork.
Step 4 Bake until pale golden brown on the edges. Cool and cut into squares.
We tend to dip in Chocolate for a little extra something!!! I will update with photos of my baking as I get to it ;)
If you have any questions, ideas, inquiries or just wish to chat and connect about all things home learning please reach out and drop me a line. Thank you for reading my little newsletter every month.